What We Do


We apply strategies taken from the world of behavioural science, to help your organisation with its biggest challenges. We understand how small changes to your touchpoints can have significant impacts on the behaviour of your users.

the problems we help solve

Marketing Messages

Sometimes it's not just the words that you use to communicate your message, but the way that you convey it that makes a difference. We can help present your message in a way that creates real behaviour change.

Package Design

In a busy retail environment, it can be easy for your product to be lost on the shelf. We can help ensure your product is more likely to be noticed, and is motivating enough to purchase.

Product Positioning

Your customers make decisions about what to buy within a wider purchase context; your brand competing against other options on offer. We can help you understand the range of subconscious influences brought on by this context, so you can better position your product in a competitive environment.

UX Design

Could your online experience work harder? We help you understand what motivates your users in the online environment, and what friction points are holding them back from converting.

Customer Experience Design

What are the subtle nudges that you put in front of your customers - both good and bad? There is often considerable opportunity to make simple and subtle changes to your customer's experience, that lead to significant impact. We can help you work out what these are.

Instore Optimisation

Ensuring that your store is set up in a way that delights customers and supports them along their purchase journey is crucial in today’s environment. We can help with store navigation, how to best present your products or another challenge.


At NeuroSpot we utilise a range of psychological and decision-making frameworks to understand your user's journey. But to get to these solutions, we find that our clients will typically follow at least some of the following six step process.


Define Behaviour

Define the desired outcome, and the key behaviour to get there.


Understand the Context

Understand the context in which the behaviour occurs e.g. what are the barriers preventing people engaging in the behaviour? 



 What are the cognitive heuristics and biases that are, or could, influence the behaviour?



Research and develop several interventions that address the identified drivers of behaviour.



Test the impact different interventions have on your target segment, ideally using randomised control (A/B) testing.



Can your intervention be improved? Can it be scaled to different customer segments? Can it be tweaked for a similar, but different, problem?


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